軽い ( = karui) / Slang: チャラい ( = charai) – Maggie Sensei


Cookie : 「ねえ、彼女、お茶しない?」

= Nee kanojo, ocha shinai?

= Hey baby, wanna have a cup of tea with me or something?


= Boku ikemen?

= “Am I cute?”

:maggie-small: 「あんたって本当に軽いわね!」

= Antatte hontou ni karuiwane!

= “You are a shallow playboy! “

We are going to study this kanji today!

:rrrr: 軽 = かるい・かる・がる・けい = karui, karu, garu/kei

• 軽い ( = karui) light, soft, insignificant, mild, minor, easy, simple

Ex. 旅行の荷物は軽い方がいい。

= Ryokou no nimotsu wa karui hou ga ii.

= Pack light when you travel.

• 軽自動車 ( = kei jidousha) mini vehicle (light automobile)

• 軽量 ( = keiryou) light weight

Ex. 軽量の傘

= keiryou no kasa

= light weight umbrella

• 軽食 ( = keishoku) snack

• 軽々しい ( = karugarushii) thoughtlessly

• 軽口を叩く ( = karuguchi wo tataku) to crack a joke

• 軽い食事 ( = karui shokuji) light snack


= Karuku nanka tabeyou ka?

= “Do you wanna go grab something light?”
• 命を軽く扱ってはいけない。

= Inochi wo karuku atsukatte wa ikenai.

= Don’t brush away one’s life.

• 軽視する ( = keishi suru) to disdain

• 彼に打ち明けて、気持ち/心が軽くなった。

= Kare ni uchiakete kimochi/kokoro ga karuku natta.

= After I confessed to him, I felt much lighter.

• 彼は難問を軽く解いていた。

= Kare wa nanmon wo karuku toite itta.

= He solved the difficult problems easily.

• 腰が軽い ( = koshi ga karui) ↔ 腰が重い ( = koshi ga omoi)

(Note: Go check 重い ( = omoi) lesson!)

to be ready to act or to be ready to do things for others quickly and without any hesitation

Ex. 彼は腰が軽いから何でもやってくれる。

= Kare wa koshi ga karui kara nandemo yatte kureru.

= He is always ready to do things for others so he will do anything for you.

• 口が軽い ( = Kuchi ga karui.) to have a loose tongue, unable to keep a secret


= Maggie wa kuchi ga karui kara ki wo tsukete!

= Be careful! Maggie has a big mouth.

• 身軽 ( = migaru) to pack light, move easily

Ex. 身軽に旅行に出かける

= Migaru ni ryokou ni dekakeru.

= to travel light

• 手軽 ( = tegaru) easy and simple, handy

Ex.手軽な料理 ( = tegaru na ryouri) easy (simple) cooking

Ex. ラーメンは手軽に作れます。

= Ramen wa tegaru ni tsukuremasu.

= You can cook ramen very easily

• 軽々しい ( = karugarushii ) imprudently, indiscreet, thoughtless


= Karugarushiku iwanai de.

= Don’t say that so lightly! (as if you are not even thinking about it!)

• 軽卒 /軽はずみな ( = keisotsu/ karuhazumi na) hasty

Ex.軽卒な/軽はずみな 行動は慎んで下さい。

= Keisotsu na/ karuhazumi na koudou wa tsusushinde kudasai.

= Don’t act so hastily!

:rrrr: Focus!!! ( From Today’s picture above!)

:kkk: •彼は軽い。( = Kare wa karui.)

It means :

He is a playboy/ superficial / flirtatious / with no substance


=Sugu ni deito ni oujitara karui onna ni omowareru yo!

= If you answer “yes” too quickly when he asks you out, he might think you are easy.

• 軽過ぎる男には要注意!

= Karusugiru otoko niwa youchuui!

= Be careful of superficial guys!

• 軽い女 ( = karui onnna) slut, bimbo

• 尻軽女 ( = shirigaru onnna) slut, loose woman


A slang for 軽い男 ( = karui otoko) is :

:rrrr: チャラ男 ( = Charao)

a shallow, superficial or flirtatious guy who always tries to pick up girls.

It came from チャラチャラした(男)( = charachara shita (otoko)) or チャラい(男 )( = charai (otoko))

チャラチャラ (=charachara) is a sound of accessries that they wear, such as ear rings or necklaces or their showy outfits.


= Charachara suruna!

= “Don’t wear those or behave like a shallow guy!”

チャラい (or チャらい)( = charai) is an adjective.

This word is not that new but we have started to hear often since 2010 linking the image of 藤森 ( = Fujimori) of a comedian duo オリエンタルラジオ ( = Orientaru rajio ) = Oriental Radio, because of the way he talks is very チャラい( = charai ) . (You will see in the video below.) and he has a reputation as a “shallow” playboy.

:l: 「ねえ、彼女、お茶でもしない?」

= Nee, kanojo, ocha demo shinai?


これは日本の典型的なピックアップラインです。 誰も実際にお茶を飲むつもりはありません。 しかし、彼らはとにかくそれを言う。



“あなたは私と一緒にたむろしたいですか? “





a pick-up = ナンパ ( = nanpa)

to pick up (somebody) = (~を)ナンパする (=~wo nanpa suru.)

:ee: 「僕、イケメン?」

= Boku ikemen?

= “Am I cute?”

イケメン ( = Ikemen) is a slang and it means a cute guy.


=Antatte hontou ni karuiwane!

= “You are a shallow playboy! “

あんた:more casual than あなた ( = anata)

~わね。( = wane) Women use this ending.

frenchbulldogマギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie sensei

